Sermons on Resurrection

Sermons on Resurrection

Come Worship on Our Front Lawn This Sunday! Drive-In Parking Will Also Be Available 1

A King’s Burial for the King of Kings – John 19:38-42

1) Don’t ever forget that the family of Jesus is large and diverse.(John 19:38-39) 2) Jesus being buried the way He was reminds us of His kingship.(John 19:39-42) 3) Jesus being buried reminds us that our Savior went before us into the grave. (John 19:41-42)
The Day Jesus Tells You to Wake Up

The Day Jesus Tells You to Wake Up

Jesus’s Voice Raised the Young Man in Nain from the Dead Jesus’s Voice Raised Jairus’s Little Girl from the Dead Jesus’s Voice Raised Lazarus from His Tomb Jesus’s Voice from the Cross Raised Some Saints form the Graves Jesus’s Voice will One Day Raise You and I from the Dead
Worship in the Sanctuary 9:00 AND 11:00 AM

The Voice That Raises the Dead – John 5:24-29

1) Jesus’ voice raises the spiritually dead & gives them spiritual life—now! (John 5:24-26) 2) Jesus’ voice raises all of the physically dead & gives them resurrection life—or judgment. (John 5:27-29) For clear audio of the sermon only, click on the audio player above. For video of the entire Worship Service, click on the video player below (the sermon begins at the 38 minute mark in the video).
Jesus is Irreplaceable - Hebrews 3:7-19

This Is Our God – Hebrews 13:20-25

Click on the audio player above for sermon audio only. Or, click below on the video for the video of the full Worship Service (the sermon begins 34 minutes into the video). Six truths about our God from Hebrews 13:20-21… The God of peace The God who resurrects The God who shepherds us in Jesus The God who is faithful The God of all resources The God who deserves all glory NBC Live Worship 9.6.20 Posted by Northshire Baptist Church…
Jesus is Irreplaceable - Hebrews 3:7-19

Faith That Defeats Death – Hebrews 11:17-22

We had a Drive-In Worship Service at the Riley Rink parking lot this Sunday. See below for sermon audio only or below that for a video of the Worship Service (most of it was able to be recorded). 1) By faith we believe the promise of resurrection. (Hebrews 11:17-19) 2) By faith we believe the promise of future grace. (Hebrews 11:20-22)
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