Sermons on Hope

Sermons on Hope

Unbreakable Love in a Broken World - Romans 8:31-39

Unbreakable Love in a Broken World – Romans 8:31-39

1) God’s love for us is unbreakable because of His gospel promises.(Romans 8:31-34) 2) God’s love for us is unbreakable because He has transformed us to be more than conquerors.(Romans 8:35-37) 3) God’s love for us is unbreakable because nothing is greater than our God and His love for us.(Romans 8:38-39)
Come Worship on Our Front Lawn This Sunday! Drive-In Parking Will Also Be Available 1

Finding Invincible Joy – John 16:16-33

1) The joy Jesus offers can come out of sorrow & cannot be taken away (John 16:16-22) 2) The joy Jesus offers is the joy of answered prayer (John 16:23-24) 3) The joy Jesus offers is the joy of being loved by the Father (John 16:25-28) 4) The joy Jesus offers is the joy of being on Jesus’s winning team (John 6:29-33)
Come Worship on Our Front Lawn This Sunday! Drive-In Parking Will Also Be Available 1

You Are Never Alone – John 14:12-31

1) You are never alone because you are working alongside of Jesus.(John 14:12-14) 2) You are never alone because the Helper lives IN you.(John 14:15-20) 3) You are never alone because Jesus will reveal Himself to you.(John 14:21-28) 4) You are never alone because Satan has no claim on Jesus—or you.(John 14:29-31)
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